Behavior Frontiers, a nonpublic agency offering solutions to help children with autism and other special needs using state-of-the-art applied behavior analysis (ABA) services, has launched an innovative ABA training program for parents and professionals. Available in two formats, the training program can be completed in person at a seminar led by a Behavior Frontiers Specialist or through the Online Training Center.
ABA treatment focuses on applying behavior methods to help improve the behaviors, as well as the overall quality of life, of children with autism and other special needs. It involves rewarding children for appropriate behavior and not rewarding their problem behaviors. Parents, teachers, classroom aides, therapists, and others can now use Behavior Frontiers training program to learn how to use these practical ABA methods to help change their child’s life for the better.
Participants attending a live seminar will learn ABA methods under the guidance of Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) in a 2-day intensive training environment. Live seminars will be available is most major cities by the end of 2011. The seminar includes over one hundred professionally produced video demonstrations of instructors using techniques with students, as well as role-play and discussion activities.
The online training is a total of 4 ½ hours of video-based instruction, which can be taken at the participants’ own pace. The online training includes all the videos from the training seminar in order to give participants the information they need to learn about ABA methods to effectively help students with autism and other special needs.
Participants who register as “Behavior Analyst” or “Professional” may access an online exam after they have finished their training seminar or online training. Once these participants successfully pass the exam, they will become Certified Behavior Instructors for Autism – Level 1 and may be listed on Behavior Frontiers online registry for one year.
“ABA methods have been supported by hundreds of scientific studies spanning the past five decades and have been found to be effective by numerous agencies and organizations,” says Behavior Frontiers Founder, Helen Mader, M.A., B.C.B.A., and “we felt is was critical to develop and offer the most comprehensive ABA training to both parents and professionals. Our ABA training videos make learning these new skills clear and easy because participants are able to actually see instructors effectively using these methods with children.”
To find out more about Behavior Frontiers Innovative Training & Treatment, call 888-922-2843 or visit